Sunday, October 4, 2015

Motto of Science Club


The Science Club was started with an aim intended to invite many eminent scientists who would share their experience with the students and motivate them to get scientific knowledge. Activities are designed primarily to introduce students to undertake interesting/exciting science and technology projects. The Science Club consists of a group of students who want to explore the many branches of engineering, mathematics, and science.
 The club is open to all students. The purpose of the Science Club is to promote interest, understanding, and knowledge of the scientific world amongst the college students and local community.        
Science Club is one of the largest clubs in our College. Our club is divided into three sections: Physics, Chemistry, and General. Our club would like to arouse Engineer's interest in learning science, hence promoting their academic achievement in Science subjects. We also help Engineer's to learn more about science outside their classroom and teach them how to apply their knowledge of science in their daily life through our activities. It also aims at guiding the students to develop an independent, logical and creative mind.
We are organizing a variety of activities. There will be experiments in making electronic components, making invisible ink, electroplating, biodiesels, fire writing and making venation of leaves.
The entire Engineer's can get the latest news of our club and day to day’s information about the science will be displayed on the notice board

The objective of the science club is to improve, advance and develop scientific education, thinking, research and attitude, cultivating the spirit of enquiry and generating a love of science for its own sake, to bridge the gap between formal education and a more comprehensive knowledge of science, endeavoring to make the study of science more interesting along with providing opportunities for the transmission of dry information into tangible knowledge

 The Guiding Principles behind the scheme are a useful starting point for those wishing to develop their own activities. The five Guiding Principles govern how the activities have been developed.
v   Solve a relevant, science-based problem, set within a scenario.
v  Work in pairs or small groups or independently.
v  Take part in practical, hands-on science activities.
v  Think and talk about science, during the activity and when sharing their results.
v  Share their results using a variety of media.

v  To Conduct Seminar, Workshop, Exhibition and Quiz competition to inculcate students knowledge in the field of science.
v  To make students to acquire knowledge by giving lectures once in a month.
v  Promote the use of IT in learning science.
v  To encourage student to participate actively in the activities organized by the Science Club.
v  To help the students to promote discussion on the recent innovation in the field of science once in a month.

v Decorating the walls of the classroom, library and laboratory with scientific pictures and charts prepared by students themselves

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